2024 Resource Adequacy Solicitation


RFP Announcements

Respondents are encouraged to check the RFP Website periodically for updates, notices, and postings. SDG&E will post all solicitation announcements, including scheduling changes or RFP amendments to this website. In particular, check the RFP website for (i) updates to RFP documents and (ii) posting of answers to submitted questions. 

Latest News & Update

San Diego Gas & Electric Company (“SDG&E”) seeks to sell 2024 System and Local Resource Adequacy (“RA”) capacity products with or without Flexible attributes and Import Allocation Rights (if applicable) to load serving entities, marketers and generators (“Respondents”). 

This website provides an overview of the market solicitation.  Respondents are strongly encouraged to download the RA RFP Protocols document, available below, to fully understand all aspects of this RFP.

RA RFP Protocols

Products Solicited

Respondents may submit proposals for any or all of the RA-related Products below. 

Product ID



Local SD-IV– without Flex; with Flex Category 1, 2, or 3
(Annually, Quarterly, Monthly)


System– with Flex Category 1, 2, or 3
(Annually, Quarterly, Monthly)

3 CASIO Import Capability Rights

Solicitation Submittal Documents

Participation in this RFP requires the completion of the Proposal Form, the Confirmation Template(s), and the Credit Application. These documents are available via the links below. Failure to provide the listed information may result in the Proposal being deemed non-conforming and thus may disqualify the Proposal from further consideration. Multiple Proposals are acceptable.

RFP Schedule

The following are the key deadlines that apply to this RFP. SDG&E reserves the right to revise this schedule at any time and at SDG&E's sole discretion. Respondents are responsible for accessing the RFP website for updated schedules and possible amendments to the RFP or the solicitation process.





RA RFP Launch 



Deadline to Submit Proposals

9/1/2023 at 5 P.M. PPT


Shortlist Award Notifications



Shortlist Acceptance Deadline**



Credit Proposal Acceptance Deadline***



Execution of Confirmations

10/13/2023 at 5 P.M. PPT

*SDG&E, at its sole discretion, may change the terms, requirements, volumes, and schedule of this solicitation. 
**SDG&E will discontinue negotiations with Respondents who do not accept SDG&E’s shortlist award on or before this date. Offer prices must be held firm until completion of contract execution.
 ***SDG&E will discontinue negotiations with Respondents who do not accept SDG&E’s proposed credit structure on or before this date.

Submitting Proposals

Respondents may submit one or more proposals by emailing responses to the RFP Mailbox (RARFP@sdge.com(link sends email)) with copy to the Independent Evaluator Harry Judd (hjudd@acciongroup.com(link sends email)) and Sheri Vincent-Crisp (svincentcrisp@acciongroup.com(link sends email)) on all correspondence. Telephonic, telegraphic, hardcopy, or facsimile transmission of a bid is not acceptable. 

The submitted proposal must clearly indicate whether the Resource Adequacy (RA) product and volumes, if any, are mutually inclusive or exclusive. Submissions shall include:

  1. the Resource Adequacy Bid Form
  2. the RA Confirmations with any proposed edits in redline
  3. the Credit Application

SDG&E encourages interested parties to make only necessary changes to the Confirmation. The submitted Proposal Form and Confirmation Template must be in their original format, i.e., not converted to a Portable Document Format (PDF). Failure to provide the listed information may result in the Proposal being deemed non-conforming and may disqualify the Proposal from further consideration. 

Required Participation Documents:

1. Proposal Form – Each Respondent may submit one or more Proposal forms. If one Proposal Form (i.e., spreadsheet) is submitted to cover all products being proposed, it must clearly indicate which products, if any, are mutually inclusive/exclusive (don’t hesitate to use the comments sections). Otherwise, separate Proposal Forms will be treated as exclusive of all other Proposal Forms submitted by a Respondent.

For respondents seeking Flexible RA, we request two separate Proposals: one for the RA Product and one for the RA Product plus Flexible RA Product. Also, for any product that can provide Flexible RA the Respondent must also list the Flexible Category type (1, 2, or 3).

If you are providing an annual Proposal, it should be included in the Calendar Year section of the Proposal form.

List all pricing in $/kW-MONTH. Upon being selected, SDG&E will divide the pricing by the appropriate days in a given month and use that daily value for the pricing in the Confirm.

2. Confirmation Template(s) –If a Respondent has no suggested changes, then an unmodified Confirmation Template should be returned with the Proposal along with an indication that the Respondent has no changes to propose. Otherwise, submit a redlined Confirmation Template with the Proposal. As noted in Section 3.0 Eligibility Requirements and Section 6.0 Evaluation Criteria, excessive mark-ups to the Confirmation Template are discouraged and could result in a Proposal being rejected.

The Confirmation Templates  provided as part of this RFP are intended for Local/System/Flexible RA and Import Allocation Rights where SDG&E is the seller.

SDG&E will not accept a confirmation from the respondent or any other contract form than those on the RA RFP website.

3. Credit Application – Each Respondent shall submit a complete Credit Application.

RFP Communication

All questions or other communications regarding this Resource Adequacy RFP must be submitted via email to BOTH RArfp@sdge.com(link sends email) with a CC to hjudd@acciongroup.com(link sends email) and svincentcrisp@acciongroup.com(link sends email)(Independent Evaluator). Questions and their answers will be posted on this website anonymously soon after receipt.